I'm currently working with FLAR (Flash Augmented Reality). It's playful but soooo bugged. It's kinda killing the joy.
1/ There's no getter for position and rotation of the marker in the 3D space. Hopefully some dude made a snippet for that. Still it's a shame it comes from "a random guy on the internet:
private var transformation:FLARTransMatResult = new FLARTransMatResult();
public function get position():Array
var tmp:Matrix3D = new Matrix3D();
tmp.n11 = transformation.m01; tmp.n12 = transformation.m00; tmp.n13 = transformation.m02; tmp.n14 = transformation.m03;
tmp.n21 = -transformation.m11; tmp.n22 = -transformation.m10; tmp.n23 = -transformation.m12; tmp.n24 = -transformation.m13;
tmp.n31 = transformation.m21; tmp.n32 = transformation.m20; tmp.n33 = transformation.m22; tmp.n34 = transformation.m23;
return [new Number3D(tmp.n14, tmp.n24, tmp.n34), Matrix3D.matrix2euler(tmp)]
catch(e:Error) {}
return null;
2/ Axis are not normalized along with Papervision. Z is mixed with Y, and so X is reversed. It's unmanageable when in comes to using the 3d engine (moveForward is moveBackward, pitch, roll, etc...)
3/ The only documentation is in Japanese. God I wish I could speak.
This makes every authoring task in the 3d environment painful, and I'm not talking about linking with a 3d physics engine which could also bring its own challenges.
Even though, it's still very CPU costly. My iMac "latest" needs full power to process a 320x260@30fps camera frame to have some kind of performances.