FLAR + PV3D = ?

April 8th, 2009

The original article has been retrieved from the internet archive machine and edited for fluidity.

I'm currently working with FLAR (Flash Augmented Reality). It's playful but soooo bugged. It's kinda killing the joy.

1/ There's no getter for position and rotation of the marker in the 3D space. Hopefully some dude made a snippet for that. Still it's a shame it comes from "a random guy on the internet:

private var transformation:FLARTransMatResult = new FLARTransMatResult();

public function get position():Array

    var tmp:Matrix3D = new Matrix3D();
      tmp.n11 =  transformation.m01; tmp.n12 =  transformation.m00; tmp.n13 =  transformation.m02; tmp.n14 =  transformation.m03;
      tmp.n21 = -transformation.m11; tmp.n22 = -transformation.m10; tmp.n23 = -transformation.m12; tmp.n24 = -transformation.m13;
      tmp.n31 =  transformation.m21; tmp.n32 =  transformation.m20; tmp.n33 =  transformation.m22; tmp.n34 =  transformation.m23;

      return [new Number3D(tmp.n14, tmp.n24, tmp.n34), Matrix3D.matrix2euler(tmp)]
  catch(e:Error) {}

  return null;

2/ Axis are not normalized along with Papervision. Z is mixed with Y, and so X is reversed. It's unmanageable when in comes to using the 3d engine (moveForward is moveBackward, pitch, roll, etc...)

3/ The only documentation is in Japanese. God I wish I could speak.

This makes every authoring task in the 3d environment painful, and I'm not talking about linking with a 3d physics engine which could also bring its own challenges.

Even though, it's still very CPU costly. My iMac "latest" needs full power to process a 320x260@30fps camera frame to have some kind of performances.